Executive Board and Supervisory Board
Executive Board of Plansee Holding AG
- Mag. Karlheinz Wex has worked for the company since 1991. He was the Chief Financial Officer of Plansee Holding AG and was on the Executive Board of Ceratizit for three years. In his current position as Chairman of the Executive Board of Plansee Holding AG, he is responsible for strategy as well as corporate and management development and is in charge of the Holding functions of communication, internal audit as well as information and corporate security.
- Mag. Andreas Schwenninger has worked for the company since 1998, initially in Controlling for the Plansee Group and then for several years in managerial positions in the USA and Luxembourg. Today he is responsible for the Group functions HR, Finance, Controlling, IT and Data and has been Managing Director of the services company Plansee Group Functions since 2021.
- Dr. Andreas Lackner has worked for the company since 1998. He has been Managing Director in all areas of the Plansee Group both domestically and abroad. In his current position as Member of the Executive Board of Plansee Holding AG, he is responsible for the overarching functions of sustainability, purchasing as well as energy and investment management, and also leads the further development and optimization of the production network and production technologies.
- Mag. Ulrich Lausecker joined Ceratizit sales in 1997, later moving to Plansee. As a Member of the ExecutiveBoard, today he is responsible for the overarching functions of supply chain management and quality. His work also focuses on the further development, optimization, and digitalization of global processes in sales and production.
Supervisory Board of Plansee Holding AG
- Dr. Michael Schwarzkopf, Chairman
- Dr. Alexander Leeb, Vice Chairman
- DI Dr. Stefan Engleder
- Gernot Hechenleitner-Schwarzkopf
- Dr. Hariolf Kottmann
- Dr. Andreas Ludwig
- Arabella Schwarzkopf
- Dr. Maria-Christina Schwarzkopf-Hilti
Plansee Group Functions GmbH
- Mag. Andreas Schwenninger, Managing Director
Molibdenos y Metales S.A. (Molymet)
- Mag. Karlheinz Wex, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Mag. Ulrich Lausecker, Member of the Board of Directors
Plansee SE
Board of Directors
- Mag. Karlheinz Wex, Chairman
- Dr. Andreas Lackner
- Mag. Andreas Schwenninger
- Robert Dreer, Stefan Gruber, Helmut Lorenz (works council delegate)
Executive Directors
- Mag. Ulrich Lausecker, Spokesman
- Mag. Andreas Feichtinger
Ceratizit S.A.
Board of Directors
- Mag. Karlheinz Wex, Chairman
- Mag. Ulrich Lausecker
- Mag. Andreas Schwenninger
Executive Directors
- Dr. Andreas Lackner, Spokesman
- Melissa Albeck
- Dipl.-Ing. Frank Thomé
Governance and responsibility
Corporate governance: Transparency & trust
In order to lay the foundations for transparent corporate action and communication based on trust and openness in daily interactions, we rely on close and efficient cooperation between the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board, as well as an awareness of the interests of everyone involved in the business process. We practice open communication, as well as the proper and legally compliant disclosure of our use of financial resources. The Plansee Group is also aware of its social and environmental responsibility and ensures that the company's strategy, the principles of the sustainability policy, and operational decisions are aligned.
Code of Conduct
With our Code of Conduct, we commit ourselves to ethical business practices and compliance with applicable laws, and we enable our employees to familiarize themselves with our expectations. The Code of Conduct is based on international standards, for example the International Labor Organisation (ILO), the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) and the UN Global Compact. Its principles also include respect for human rights, equal rights, anti-discrimination, fair business practices, anti-corruption, environmental protection, product safety, and data protection.
The Plansee Group Code of Conduct and further information can be found here:
Supplier Policy
The Plansee Group Supplier Policy defines the principles for supplier conduct. The policy is based on ESG criteria: Environmental, Social and Governance. Our suppliers are selected according to rigorous procurement guidelines and we commit ourselves to long-term supply and purchase agreements that are based on mutual trust and sustainability. We systematically assess new suppliers in particular on the basis of quality, environment, health and safety, human rights, working standards, and the combating of corruption.
The complete Plansee Group Supplier Policy can be found here:
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