With our molybdenum and tungsten materials, we pave the way for high-tech applications, often pushing the boundaries of what is technically feasible.


Strong metals, strong brands

Plansee and Ceratizit are the strong business areas of the Plansee Group. Our portfolio also includes a strategic investment in molybdenum manufacturer Molymet and the Plansee Group Functions services company. The parent company of the Plansee Group is Plansee Holding AG.



The Group portfolio


Plansee Group Functions 

Plansee Group Functions (PGF) is the global services company of the Plansee Group. The experts and specialists from PGF support the Plansee and Ceratizit business areas with central services in the areas of HR, IT, Purchasing, Controlling, Finance and other functions.  



Plansee specializes in the manufacturing of metallic materials from molybdenum and tungsten. Whether in the semiconductor industry, consumer electronics, medical technology or high-temperature furnaces, the refractory metals and composites from Plansee come into play in scenarios where regular metals reach their limits.



Ceratizit specializes in the manufacturing of tools from carbide (tungsten carbide) for the machining industry, as well as for wear applications in the manufacturing industry. 

Through its subsidiary Global Tungsten & Powders, Ceratizit ensures the seamless supply of tungsten in the western world – for external customers as well as for Plansee and Ceratizit.


Plansee Group in figures




million euros
in investments




billion euros
in sales


% new product


% equity


% tungsten
from recycling


% regenerative 

Molybdenum & Tungsten

 our Materials

Our success factors

Strong metals and powder metallurgy
Ambitious goals and continuity in mission and management
Ambitious goals and continuity in mission and management
Clear business and customer focus
Responsibility for sustainable corporate governance
Longstanding employees with vast expert knowledge

In the beginning there was light: Founder Paul Schwarzkopf laid the foundations for processing molybdenum and tungsten in 1911, when he developed a production method for tungsten filaments. From one brilliant idea and one product, many more developed. Today, more than 100,000 of our products and tools are used almost everywhere. Our focus on the materials molybdenum and tungsten has remained unchanged for decades. The number of applications, however, has grown significantly. The production technologies have also been continuously further developed.

In the beginning there was light: Founder Paul Schwarzkopf laid the foundations for processing molybdenum and tungsten in 1911, when he developed a production method for tungsten filaments. From one brilliant idea and one product, many more developed. Today, more than 100,000 of our products and tools are used almost everywhere. Our focus on the materials molybdenum and tungsten has remained unchanged for decades. The number of applications, however, has grown significantly. The production technologies have also been continuously developed.

We take responsibility for our company and its continuance. Adapting to changes in our markets and to customer needs is the key to our success. The ambitious goals of our owners and consistently high investments in the future have ensured the long-term existance of the company and created the early foundations for stability, predictability, reliability, and mutual trust. We are still building on these foundations today.

As an innovation partner, together with our customers we develop products and tools for the high-tech world and continually push the boundaries of what is technically and physically feasible. With our production sites in Asia, the USA and Europe, as well as a global sales network, we support and supply our customers locally.

Sustainability and resource efficiency form the basis of our day-to-day work. Founder Paul Schwarzkopf was also dedicated to these principles. His maxim was that a company can only exist in the long term if it is strongly rooted in the region and managed in harmony with nature. The management of the Plansee Group shares this conviction to this day and continuously adapts to changing environmental and production conditions.

We are convinced that the success of a company is reflected in the satisfaction of its employees: Only those who are fulfilled by what they do and feel valued by those around them will unleash their full potential and thereby contribute to the success of the company. For us, a working environment based on appreciation and sound entrepreneurial judgment are essential in safeguarding jobs in the long term.  

Our vision

We pave the way for our customers' success.

All our activities are based on a balance between social responsibility, long-term economic success and the protection of our environment.

We are the world's leading, highly sustainable company specializing in products and tools made from
molybdenum, tungsten, and carbide. 

All business activities are clearly positioned and strive for leading market positions. Excellence along the entire value-added chain is the basis for developing better than the market.

As a preferred employer and through intensive cooperation with our customers, our business activities deliver solutions for various applications for both today and the future.

Financial strength, resource-efficient operations and responsible governance form the foundation for our success as well as the success of our customers.

Our mission

Our markets

Automotive industry

Construction industry

Semiconductor industry

Aviation and aerospace

Mechanical engineering

Medical technology

Consumer electronics

Energy technology

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