Plansee Group Recognized as One of Austria's Top Ten Employers
Our visibility as an attractive employer has continued to rise. With an impressive ninth place among the 498 largest Austrian industrial companies, the Plansee Group was recently recognized by Industriemagazin - a clear confirmation that we are on the right track with our continuous development as an employer and our communication activities.
Below you will find all the information about the methodology and the reasoning behind the ranking.
The IMWF examined the online reputation of the 498 largest Austrian industrial companies. Using an AI algorithm, around 176,000 online mentions were analyzed and evaluated. The ranking shows which industrial companies in Austria are the best employers.
Reason for Plansee's 9th Place
The Plansee Group is known for its innovative strength and the high expertise of its employees. As an employer, Plansee stands out for its employee orientation, which is reflected in a comprehensive package of social benefits and training opportunities. Additionally, the company focuses on sustainable corporate management and offers attractive career advancement opportunities for its workforce.
In the B2B sector, the competition for the best talents, the most attractive customers, advantageous locations, and political support is tougher than ever. In this environment, a company's reputation is becoming an increasingly decisive factor. How a company is perceived depends more and more on collective opinions on the internet. Companies that focus on sustainable management, high social standards, an inclusive leadership culture, innovation, efficiency, and quality have the advantage that their name is often mentioned in connection with the leading brands in the industry.
For the first time this year, INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN, together with the Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF), sought Austria's best employers - measured by their online reputation. The top positions clearly show: An excellent workplace culture is not a question of industry or company size. The range of leading companies extends from the metal and mechanical engineering industry to the chemical and plastics sector, to high-tech companies or the supply industry. It is becoming increasingly clear that employers in the Austrian industry across all sectors have recognized the importance of good working conditions. This is not only crucial for attracting and retaining skilled workers in the long term but also for increasing the company's performance and competitiveness.
Media contact
Dénes Széchényi
Head of Group Communications
Nr. +43-5672-600-2243
Mobile +43-664-81 52 598
About the Plansee Group
With its Plansee High Performance Materials and Ceratizit divisions and its stake in Molymet, the Plansee Group is one of the world's leading industrial powder metallurgy companies.
The Plansee Group specialises in products made from the materials molybdenum and tungsten and covers the entire value chain - from ore concentrates to customer-specific tools and components.
The product portfolio comprises more than 100,000 different products and tools. The Plansee Group thus enables high-tech devices for everyday use such as smartphones as well as sustainable and efficient solutions for mobility, energy supply and industrial production.
With 11,445 employees, the Plansee Group generated consolidated sales of 2.35 billion euros in fiscal year 2022/23.
The fiscal year ends on the last day of February.